i still got 6 papers to go.last night about 2 am,my japanese sensei sms me(sensei,tak payah tidur ke?*grin*)he said i'm doing quite well in my japanese paper...ok...i think i already got an A in my hand now...quite happy actually...i give pretty much efforts to my japanese...so i think i deserve to got an A. *smile*oops,and don't forget to say:arigatou sensei~
monday,russian paper...i still have no mood to study yet...now i'm in cyber cafe sitting in front of computer typing blog...to my astonishment,i found that i quite love russian and my russian lecturer,although he's really annoying sometimes.maybe i will register russian civilization for the coming semester.i love russian because of 1 reason,1 ridiculous reason and sure you won't believe it but,you got to believe it.it's because of RASPUTIN,see,i've told you!
p/s:if you're wondering who is rasputin,go find yourself!
actually,i don't like to face the public.i rather isolate myself in my room listening music,day dreaming,camwhoring or doing sorts of retarded acts.psst,i like being naked in my room(of course not fully naked lah)*snigger*
i've found my piece of freedom in my room...how bout you?
ok ok...i know i'm talking nonsense...can't you see the title today?random mar!!!
bye and take care everyone.i have to go back to my room to study russian.
hopelessly devoted to you...exams,i mean.
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