I'd really try my best to update my blog.For your confirmation,I'm still alive.I'm not dead.teehee.
Presently,I have some kind of feeling which I can't really describe.It's kinda weird when I discovered that there's something inside my heart,deep deep inside my heart,I'm missing KL like nobody's business,especially those driving-me-crazy shopping malls.I wana go back to my previous kay-elle life.Oddly enough,I'd rather stay in KL than Penang.Maybe I should start my second battle of life over there again.Am considering...
Neway,I still got my baby keep me accompanied.Life's still that great even if I'm in Penang.I'm not talking bout Penang is worse than KL or something.Please don't get misunderstood.
We went to Gurney to kill our time.Watched a movie,Terminator the salvation.After that,we went to Sakae sushi to have our dinlunch.
After that,did some grocery shopping in Cold Storage.Bought some daily use stuffs and got myself favorite Meiji choco.
Au revoir.
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